Wednesday, November 07, 2007

3 teen novels about dating and relating from the guy's view point

KING DORK by Portman
Tom Henderson is a teenage boy obsessed with girls, a first intimate experience, becoming a famous rock star with his band mates. You can tell by the title that he isn't one of the popular kids in the high school. He's on a Dude or is that "dud" list kept by the most datable girls. There are some funny spots in the story. Its interesting to see what girl he finally ends up with. There is a side plot in which he investigates the death of his father using notes in a box of novels left behind. There is some question as to whether Tom's father committed suicide or not and a question of whether or not a teacher at the schools who was once a friend of Tom's father was involved in the death.

I had a hard time with this book for a long time. Gideon, who has had a fairly straight forward dating and relating experience, finds himself in a prep school. His roommates are known for their partying, drinking, sneaking out in the middle of the night to visit girls, being wild. It looks as if Gideon is following their leads and liking it. He stops contacting his girl friend back home - lost interest too chicken to tell her so. The guys make a bet as to who will lose their virginity first and with whom and the race is on. Ugh. The narrator of the story is a girl who for some unknown reason begins receiving Gid's inner most thoughts. So the reader knows both what Gid is saying and what he is really thinking and feeling. Its interesting. Wonder who that girl is? Wonder what happened to the bet?

FREAK SHOW by St. James
Billy Bloom finds himself in an ultra straight private school after his mother kicks him out of her home because of his life style and he moves in with his father. Billy is gay. Billy's preferred clothing style is drag. The school administrators and most of the kids are in denial about the existence of homosexuality. Even when Billy thinks he is being conservative he is quite outrageous. A couple of the kids do befriend him however. When a prank turns into a full blown
beating, a hate attack, a member of the football team, a good player with a good rep who has never dated, takes Billy into his protection. This gradually becomes first love of a very different kind from the previous titles. Its a fast read. Its had very very good reviews. Its an interesting look at a world most of us never see. This novel is based on St. James' real life experiences. He writes with wonderful humor.

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