Thursday, January 21, 2010

Absolute boyfriend

Do you sometimes wished that you could buy a boyfriend the way you want? Well in this story, Riiko a high school girl discovered a website that actually sell boyfriends! Thinking to be some kind of blind date site, Riiko filled out the survey for a free thirty day trail thinking that she'll get to go out with the boy of her dreams for the period of the trial. What she didn't count on was a handsome man delivered to her house in a box. At the surprise, Riiko discovered the 'boy' was actually a cyborg, who wishes to please her in all the ways she wants, what Riiko didn't count either is the huge debt she got herself into by buying herself a boyfriend and suspicions of her best friend and neighbor.

This is a must read graphic novel that will not only make you laugh, but too to think about the difference between true love and friendship, personally I not only liked the plot of the story, I liked the excellent artwork it was put into, the series consist of 6 volumes which have already been translated and publish in English, this story will have you thinking of how do you really want to pursuit love.

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