Friday, August 22, 2014

Sketchy by Olivia Samms

This is the first book in the Bea Catcher Chronicles.  Bea was hanging with weed smoking, pill popping Aggie until someone got her wasted and she was sent to rehab.  While there she made things bearable by drawing using pens she kept hidden in her nappy big hair.  Bea is multiracial and daughter of two artist.  She inherited their artistic ability and their hair.  She became aware that she was drawing not the person she focused on but the thoughts of that person while in rehab.  Now out of rehab and with her realistically distrusting parents she begins to investigate the rape and beating of a classmate, popular cheerleader Willa Pressman who has many secrets to keep including her unwillingness to help identify her attacker.  It is not uncommon for victims to be afraid in this way.  Bea, however inadvertently gets the image of the man from Willa.  Since there have been other deaths and rapes including Aggie, she believes he is a serial killer and she is determined to get him caught, even without Willa's help.  While searching for the man in her sketch, she returns to old haunts and resists temptations getting clues as to the identity.  Eventually the mystery is solved but not without Bea being in danger.  Although the story deals with serious issues including drinking, and doing drugs and rape its mostly a fast exciting read.  Bea is sort of a mature Nancy Drew.  She is a very likeable hero. I look forward to her next adventures.  JDW 8/22

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