Monday, August 22, 2011

Carter Finally Gets It By Brent Crawford

This is the author's first novel.. Carter is a freshman in High School, and is the main personality in the novel. Carter has a stuttering problem that shows up when he encounters females belly buttons , and female breasts. He has a problem with attention deficit disorder. Carter is a virgin, because he cannot talk to girl's. In my opinion, Carter is not ready for High School, or going on a date with a girl. Carter is chased by the Police for being underage behavior. Carter surprises everyone, and gets a crush on a drill team member at his High School. This novel becomes interesting, because of all Carter's problems. They become resolved, and Carter finds a girlfriend, which no one thought possible. The novel ended, and I like the plot, although the novel had underage drinking. I believe teens could relate to this novel. I recommend this novel to any reader
LRD 8/22/11

Carter's ADD makes it hard for him to stay focused on his goals. It makes him decide if a little speed on a bike is a good thing then more is better as an example and wonder what that group of hot girls think of him when he should be focusing on something else. He's the kid that carries all his books and papers everywhere in school and still doesn't have the right thing in class. He wishes his brain would let him do better in school and with social situations. The story opens as the summer is coming to an end and his first year in high school is about to begin. He has failed, spectacularly, hilariously to reach his goal of doing THE DIVE the top swim team member can perform. Carter is number two. After lessons from big sister Lynn on dating and relating to girls he goes to the end of summer unsupervised teen party. He manages to leave on good terms with a girl he hopes to date only to hilariously blow it later in the story. The way Carter relates to us his disasters such as, eating an extra large bean burrito before his first official date with predictable results, is a lot of fun for the reader. But, he sometimes lets us in on his frustrations with himself. He has a group of friends he calls my boys, which feels unauthentic to me. They tend to spur him on, kid him and so on. Carter is a good kid trying to figure out how to fit in and making lots of mistakes along the way. There is more than one unsupervised teen party in this book and the kids don't ever face any consequences which bothered me. This is a guy book with lots of rude, crude guy talk, as many guys often do. I'd give this book to fans of David Lubar and especially his book SLEEPING FRESHMEN NEVER LIE. Watch for the sequel Carter's Big Break. JDW9/18

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