Monday, October 22, 2007

La Historia de Ana By: Jenna Bush

This is a true story, based on the work the author did with UNICEF . By the way, the author is one of President Bush's twin daughters. This account in this particular book, can take place in any country of the world. I believe it relates to an event in a country in which I lived for 37 years. Time magazine of Oct. 22/07 mentions Jenna Bush's book, and it is in the Republic of Panama. Ms. Bush in her book includes many photos that are familiar to me.

What happens to Anna, and her sister is common in Latin America. The two sisters are left orphan, because the Mother dies of HIV positive. So Anna, and Isabel go to live with their grandparents.The Grandmother is gone daily for 10 hours to work as a waitress. The Grandfather is a construction worker, who works odd hours. He spends more time at home with granddaughters. On several occasions he sneaks in the girls room, and violates their sexual privacy. The girls fight him off . The Grandmother is never home when this happens.

The girls tell their grandma, but she does not believe them. The girls have no place to turn . Ana went to School and got good grades and had friends. Ana arranged for her to move to her best friends house for a while. The Mother was Yolanda, and was willing to house Isabel her younger sister. After a while, Ana went to an Institution were boys and girls where living. Everyone at the Institution had HIV in different stages. Ana had her own bedroom , so that was good. The meals were o.k. Ana still attended, and eventually graduated from High School. Ana met a boy that she fell in love with, his name was Beto. They loved each other so much , but the young man was HIV that was very advanced. They had a baby girl named Beatriz. Fortunately, the baby was not infected by the the virus. Ana had taken medicine since she was 13 to prevent the virus from carry over to any off-spring. The baby was tested for the Virus every three months and did not have the HIV Virus.

This story is based on a real event , that can take place in any country to anyone.

Read this book, when the Library has it in English. It should be arriving soon. It is a good book to read.

LRD 10/22/07

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