Sunday, September 09, 2007

Trick of the Eye by Haseley

There have been several books written lately involving real works of art such as CHASING VERMEER and GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING. This is another such book.
Teenager Richard has fleeting memories that don't match his mother's stories and unexplained nightmares. Now old enough to go out on his own and to be left home alone, he has begun to explore, to search for understanding. He discovers a painting in his mother's closet. One he remembers from his mysterious past. This leads to a search of art galleries for other works by the same artist. His ability, magically to communicate with the characters in the paintings aids him in his search for the truth. Eventually he discovers the terrible truths that finally help him recover from his traumatic early childhood and stop hating those around him for what they did.
Those interested in post traumatic stress syndrome might give this a try.

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